First of all, let me tell you that "Ga"' does not stand for Georgia. It is the cherished name of the people of Ghana. Ghanaians live in the Southern Coastlands of Africa. The six sub-city states of the Ga people are Accra, La, Nugua, Osu (where I come from), Tema (where the largest port of call is), and Teshi.
The Ga Mantse never speaks directly to anyone in public. He speaks through his spokesman or staff. The Linguist, called the Otsame, carries a staff decorated with the traditional Coat of Arms. The Coat of Arms is in the form of a deer standing on the back of an elephant. The deer represent the Ga people. The Coat of Arms symbolizes the power of the small over the large. Like all African societies, the Ga people are spiritual people and have been living in well-ordered communities with extended families for centuries. It is a wonderful system, with the family head representing the household. The Ga
The Ga love each other. They call all members of the human race brothers and sisters. They are taught to welcome strangers from anywhere into their homes and villages. The Ga people treat their elderly with a great deal of respect. Growing old is not a problem in the Ga culture. The Ga love to speak in proverbs and symbols. For example, one folk tale speaks of a great exodus of people from the sea to the shores of Accra. The migration lasted for days. The awesome sight gave the name Gaga to the thousands of souls who poured out of the sea. Gaga is also the name for the red ant, because the migration did indeed look like a migration of red ants. Even today people still say that while a Ga may be nice, he too can sting like a red ant. The Ga
The traditional religion of the Ga people is spiritualism.They believe that spirits dwell in all things created by the Almighty (who is called "Nyomo"). These spirits communicate through the selected priests or oracles called Dzema Wagin. The High Priests, or Wulomo, are especially revered. They are chosen and trained to serve, heal and care for the people. They also speak for the ancestors who are constantly in touch with the living. They are good, practical, natural healers. Wulomo prescribe medicines by using the knowledge of herbal healing passed on from generation to generation. They may also prescribe rituals for the good of the individual, community or the state. They are often consulted by the Ga Mantse and his counselors. Usually these natural doctors can effectively cure diseases. They are easily at home in treating both mental and physical problems. The Ga also believe in life after death. The spirit, or Susuma, lives on after the person dies. Special ritual ceremonies are performed for the dead throughout the Ga year. These ceremonies are held on special days in the Ga calendar. The Homowo Festival marks the beginning of the year for the Ga people.