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 [b. April 1935 - d. April 2017]
Welcome to my website.


My name is Reverend Peter E. Adotey Addo.

I am a Storyteller and a Poet from Ghana, West Africa. The focus of my stories are the traditional folk tales about Ananse, The Spider. He constantly tricks all the animals in the forest.

These fascinating stories about Ananse the Trickster rarely end with the words you often hear at the end of stories...."And they lived happily ever after." Usually Ananse Stories teach a lesson to a selfish or bad person. And that person learns a lesson the hard way

Ananse Stories are passed from generation to generation by word of mouth.


I enjoy sharing my stories of Ghana, and talking about the many links between West Africa and the African American cultures.



My folk tales and poems describe the many multicultural connections between us all.


You may invite me to give reading at your school, church club, or social organization.



I travel regularly within the North Carolina and throughout the U.S. appearing at schools, colleges, libraries, churches, conferences and community clubs.



For more information about a Ghana Talk,

please e-mail me.